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What does it mean to be human in a world of cloning, memory implants, and artificial intelligence? In the near future, outlawed genetic engineering is being secretly enhanced with experimental nanotechnology, making it nearly impossible to know who (or what) is real. Watch episodes, read interactive stories, and communicate directly with characters!

In seven days, Alison will kill her husband. A creepy doll talks to her, paintings come alive before her eyes, and her mirror reflection warns her of danger. She's either on the edge of a mental breakdown or the cusp of a revelation that will change her world forever.

Alison's husband Frank is a biotech scientist for Life Identical, a secretive company making human clones and experimenting with genetic enhancements, memory implants, and artificial intelligence.

Corporate spies like Zoe Trapp also work at Life Identical, hoping to expose illegal genetic experiments and maybe liberate some clones.

Meanwhile, an assassin has been hired to kill any human clones that have escaped into society--including clones of Life Identical employees like Frank.

Of course, there's a chance all of this exists in Alison's delusional mind while being locked in an asylum after murdering her husband...

PHRENIC is created by
Mike Vogel